Call for Papers

Submission Deadline: September 29, 2023, Oct 4, 2023

All deadlines are 11:59PMAnywhere on Earth

Submission portal:

virtual NeurIPS portal:

We invite you to submit your research papers to the Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Time, to be held as part of the Neurips 2023 conference. This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and experts to delve into the intricate landscape of fairness in algorithmic systems that operate within dynamic environments. We aim to spark discussions on how a long-term perspective can help build more trustworthy algorithms in the era of expressive generative models.

The workshop will include two tracks: a Paper track and an Extended Abstract track.

The Papers track serves to highlight novel contributions that will be presented during the workshop as contributed talks and at the poster session. At the discretion of authors, accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

The Extended Abstract track welcome early unfinished work that would benefit from feedback from the concentration of experts at the workshop. Accepted submissions will be presented as posters. 

Workshop Scope and Objectives:

In recent years, fairness in algorithmic decision-making has gained significant attention. However, the majority of existing fairness definitions and methods are rooted in static assumptions about data generation processes. The goal of this year's workshop is to challenge these assumptions and initiate conversations that explore the dynamic nature of algorithmic fairness. We aim to stimulate discussions that focus on the following key objectives:

Foundational Fairness Work: Encourage the presentation and discussion of foundational research that reevaluates conventional fairness definitions and paradigms, such as group fairness, individual fairness, and causal fairness.

Long-Term Fairness Effects: Investigate the far-reaching consequences of fairness methods in dynamic scenarios. We encourage studies that analyze how fairness interventions impact individuals and groups over extended periods.

Integration with Generative Models: Explore the integration of fairness frameworks with the development and proliferation of large generative models. This involves a critical examination of how these models can maintain fairness while producing diverse and high-quality outcomes.

Dynamic Interplay: Address the dynamic interplay between algorithmic decisions and the individuals they affect. Real-world instances have demonstrated that fairness is not a one-time concern but evolves over time, necessitating the exploration of fairness dynamics.

Practical Implications: Foster discussions on the practical implications of incorporating dynamic fairness systems into real-world applications. We encourage research that bridges the gap between theoretical advancements and their implementation in operational settings.

Call for Papers

4-9 pages (not including references and appendix), NeurIPS format

Submission portal 

Submissions to the Paper track should describe new projects aimed at challenging static definitions of fairness, discussing long-term fairness effects and integration with generative models. Submissions should have theoretical or empirical results demonstrating the approach, and specifying how the project fills a gap in the current literature. Authors of accepted papers will be required to upload a 10-min video presentation of their paper. All recorded talks will be made available on the workshop website.

We welcome submissions of novel work in the area of fairness with a special interest on (but not limited to):


Abstract: Sep 22, 2023 AoE 

Full submission: Sep 29, 2023 AoE Oct 4, 2023

Acceptance Notification: Oct 27, 2023 AoE


Authors have the option to be included in the proceedings (PMLR) if their work is of high-quality as assessed by the peer-review process. 

Dual-submission policy: we accept submissions of ongoing unpublished work as well as work submitted elsewhere (FAccT, ICLR, SaTML, etc), or substantial extensions of works presented at other venues (not in proceedings). We however do not accept work that has been previously accepted as a journal or conference proceedings (including the main NeurIPS conference).

Call for Extended Abstracts

1 page (max, anonymized) in pdf format 

Submission portal

The extended abstract track welcomes submissions of 1-page abstracts (including references) that provide new perspectives, discussions or novel methods that are not yet finalized on the topics of fairness, long-term fairness, and/ or fairness in generative models. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters at the workshop.

Deadline: Sep 29, 2023 AoE Oct 4, 2023

Acceptance Notification: Oct 27, 2023 AoE

Format (maximum one page pdf, references included). 

Upload a 1-page pdf file on CMT. The pdf file should follow the one-column format, main body text must be minimum 11 point font size and page margins must be minimum 0.5 inches (all sides).

Submission Link:

Please submit your papers through

We look forward to engaging discussions and insightful contributions. For inquiries and

more information, please contact